Properties Window

Properties example (in this case the Scene Options)

You want to modify the color to an object? The Object Sphere you want tilted it of tot degrees? The Render detail isn't enough and want to increase it?

Well. To these and many other questions I can answer with 4 simple words: "Properties Window".

The usefullness of this window is in the possibility to modify the greater part of the property of all the entities in one Scene (Objects, Lights, etc...). In order to approach the property of every entity enough see again the section: "Scene Tree Window".

For being able to modify one property of one of the entities enough click down over and following the legend :

Property Types

Type Image Description Example of property In order to modify
Text In order to insert or to modify of the text. "Name" of one Object To write a text and to press or Enter or to change line for setup the value.
List In order to choose between two or more options. "Project Type" of a Material Click on the button appeared on the right of the line, and to choose one of the options given.
Color To choose a color. "Color" of an Object Click on the button appeared on the right of the line, to create or to select a color.
Range of Values It gives the possibility to choose one of the values enclosed in the given range. "Fog Distance" of the Options To press on the cursor, and to drag it on the value that is wanted to be chosen.
Color Pattern Gives the possibility to create one Chromatic Range. "Noise Color" of a Material Click on the button appeared on the right of the line. To add, To remove or to drag one of the visible rulers. To press "Ok" in order to accept the modification.
Picture In order to load an image. "Text Pixture" of a Material Click on the button appeared on the right of the line. To select an image and to press on "Open" in order to confirm the choice.

For having a greater detail in the use of the N3DProperties Control I send back to section N3DDK.